Monday, February 7, 2011

Homemade Valentines are the Best!

These views of a Valentine card I got many years ago are from my niece, Kim. This is the same Kim who took the snow pictures on this month’s blog. She is now married and has a child of her own. His name is Nicholas Harlan Ruddy and you see him in her pictures. His middle name came from my brother who passed away around the time he was born. I show this card to you to prove the point that “Home Made Valentine’s Cards are the Best!” I also dedicate this blog to all those mothers, grandmothers and aunts out there who have ever received a home-made Valentine’s Day card from a youngster.

Let’s discuss the card first. As with many cards we made back in the day, construction paper was a must, as was paper doilies.  This card was sent to me in the mail in a manila envelope. Its size is 81/2 x 11. The two pictures on the top heart I assume were cut from other valentines, which came in a package of about 100. We used to pass them around in school on Valentine’s Day. Underneath these pictures she’s written, “Scratch and Sniff.” I assume at one time they had a sweet smell to them, probably cinnamon, although the smell is long gone. She used some gold foil on some of the other hearts.

On the left hand inside, Kim cut out and pasted down a bunch of cute cats because she knew I loved cats. I still do. At the bottom she wrote “Kitty Corner.”

On the right hand side she wished me a “Happy Valentine’s Day” and added some other cute pictures. It is signed, “Love, Kim.”

This card was sent to one of the first places I lived in Georgia. The postmark says 1983. Kim also sent me a nice letter with the card where she talks about the family getting a projection TV and another VCR for Christmas. She also talks about her braces and the trouble she was having with them; that it was snowing; and that she got 100 on a math test.

Why did I keep this card and letter all these years? Well think about it. How would I be able to write this blog without it? Treasures like this one bring back many happy memories. I am blessed to have Kim and my other nieces and nephews in my life. They are all pretty special. Of course I now also have great-nieces and nephews and within the past year I am now a great-great-aunt to Allison Sylvester (and I know I’m not spelling her name right, but can’t find it at the moment.)

I have received many such treasures from my nieces and nephews over the years. I’ve kept every one of them. Thankfully, the box with my letters in it was on a high shelf, so they survived the flood.

I hope you are all fortunate enough to receive such a gift in the mail this Valentine’s Day. “Happy Valentine’s Day” everyone.

Thanks for listening.

PS: Look for a blog this month for Valentine arts and crafts. It should appear sometime today or tomorrow.

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