Saturday, December 1, 2012


Sonny’s Sunshine Corner

Sonny and brother Butchie wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas or Happy Hannakuh or Happy Kwansa, whatever the case may be. Nanci and I join in with their chorus of the Meow Meow song and also wish you all a Merry Christmas et al.

The readership for the blog continues to climb. Today we hit 21,127. There was a gain of 980 readers in just 23 days. I notice than some of you have hit the ads on the right hand side to help me out in the money department. It takes a lot of hits to finally get a check from Ad Sense so please keep hitting them. Thanks.

I also appreciate your “likes” when you like a particular story. Thanks this month go to Pat Wentworth, Susan Cantrell Thacker Achorn, Raymond Harrington, Wendy VanDine, and Sister Sara.

In my “My Georgia Home” story I inadvertently left out a couple things I have enjoyed in Atlanta in my 32 years here. One is the High Museum of Art which I have visited several times. The Atlanta Jewish Community Center, where I worked for eight years had a big reception there in 1995 to kick off their week-long Israeli Festival at the Center on Peachtree Street. I also remember a Vesuvius exhibit there which included a perfectly preserved dog and owner lying next to each other in all that ash.

I have also visited the Jimmy Carter Library which was like walking through the history of that period in the presidency. The library sits atop a hill from which you can see a good part of downtown Atlanta. We were told it was the spot where General Sherman of the Union Army watched Atlanta burn during the Civil War.

Nanci and I have also visited the fairly new Georgia Aquarium which we enjoyed very much. They now have a dolphin show which I’d like to catch sometime. I enjoyed the hugh main aquarium which includes the biggest fish in the sea, whale sharks. I also enjoyed the antics of the penguins and the otters.

I should also mention that I once attended a Fourth of July parade in Atlanta where I got to shake Ben Vareen’s hand. He was shaking everyone’s hand as he walked along the route.

I know there is a lot more I haven’t mentioned, but I’ll report on any other events I may attend as they happen.

This month the very popular guest blogs of brother Ted Sylvester and my good friend, Kendall Merriam continue. I’m still working on the recipe blog. Also look for some special excerpts from my book, The South End, which includes some Christmas scenes. I’ll also try to include some more Christmas-type stories to help you through the holidays and to entertain you as well. If I can get a creative urge I may even give you a new poem or short story.

Butchie doesn’t much like the intrusion of the disk from Direct TV which is now attached to our railing on the balcony. I think he sees it as an obstacle that may get in the way of Santa and his reindeer. I told him that Santa always finds a way but don’t know as he believes me. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I think I’ve been nice, rather than naughty, so I do expect a visit from the old man.

Have a great Christmas everyone!


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