Monday, November 21, 2011

The Lost Holiday

The Lost Holiday

By Sandra Sylvester

Christmas poems abound in newspapers, children’s books, and pageants.
Christmas tales are told again and again
Through words and music and TV networks.
…but wait just a communications minute
What happened to THANKSGIVING!

Maybe it’s the time of year that interferes
We count our blessings as we sit down to eat.
But when we get up from our feast … HO HO HO
It’s Christmas already.

I doubt if our Pilgrim fathers were thinking
Of what to get Auntie Sue for Christmas
As they struggled to put food on their tables
And wrapped furs around themselves to keep warm.

Today we are wrapped up in ourselves.
The turkey soup and sandwiches don’t
Last long enough.
As we scurry from one party to another.
As we run from one store to the next.

The Thanksgiving table can’t get cleared soon enough
So that we can decorate for Christmas.
Thanksgiving blessings forgotten
We rush to make December 25 perfect
For our families and our friends.

What would happen if say
There was one less present under the tree
And we gave it to someone in need instead?
Can we pause just a second or two
To thank our founding fathers
For making it possible
To have holidays at all?

Think about those Indians long ago
Who didn’t necessarily want us around.
We gave them a lot to grieve about.
Including measles, chicken pox and the flu.

Pray for their ancestors who tell a different tale.
Keep them in your hearts as you celebrate

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