Sunday, September 18, 2011

Whoppie Pie Cookbooks?

Everywhere I look lately I see something about whoopie pies. I may have to start a special Whoppie Pie blog. Here's the latest. A cookbook that was advertised in AARP magazine. They also had a whoopie pie pan for sale. Chose either one for just $6.95.

I decided to investigate further and discovered that there are indeed several sites on the web where you can buy whoopie pie pans with which to make the cake part of the pies. The best one can be found at: 

Here you will find pans in every shape and size from pumpkin shape to funny faces to hearts. Prices vary from $12 to $26.

I also noticed that one description still insists that the pie came from Pennsylvania Dutch country, saying that the mothers used to make them and put them in their child's lunch bag so that when they opened them they shouted "whoppie."

So the debate continues I guess. 

This cookbook can be found at 

Here's their description of the book. I only have a phone number if you want to order from here: 1-847-615-7366. I think your best bet is the web sites I gave you above if you are interested.

What will be the next Whoppie Pie innovation? I can't wait to find out.

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