Friday, January 2, 2015

Ted commented on the issues of the day: the energy crisis; unemployment; the ERA amendment in this edition of Fish and Chips for January 25, 1974.
Notice the prices he mentions.
Reports from friends just back from Florida vacations could give an indication as to what we might expect here in Maine from the upcoming summer tourist season if the energy crisis continues.
We were told the tourist business in Florida this winter is being reported as being 80 per cent off from previous years.
Motel rates have been sliced in half and more in some instances and tourist attractions are virtually unattended. A friend said he and his wife stayed at a fine hotel at Daytona Beach for $86 a week. He said a nearby famous motel which used to get $38 per day for a room, was charging $14.
He described a Sunday visit to Disney World as like visiting a “ghost town.” He estimated only about 1,000 persons in attendance on that particular day, with only two of about 20 parking lots being used. Considerable numbers of the staff there have been laid off from work.
What about the gas shortage? This person drove from Maine to Florida and back, reporting no difficulty in buying gas. If there was any problem at all, in his opinion, it was in Massachusetts and on the New Jersey Turnpike. He advised persons to fill up before getting on the turnpike as they would only sell $1 worth at a time.
Crisis Bonanza
Leave it to Downeast service clubs to find a way to turn a profit from just about any situation. Now with the current energy crisis, and ensuing shortages of gasoline and heating oil, how could anyone convert this situation into a profit for their club’s treasury?
The Rockland Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs are doing just that. Rotarians are selling chances on 100 gallons of gasoline, and the Kiwanians are offering their neighbors a chance at 200 gallons of fuel oil.
Unemployment Climbing
The unemployment figures for the nation and the state for the month of November, 1973, have been released by the Employment Security Commission. We’re not sure how these would relate to the present situation, but will pass them along.
In November the unemployment rate in the nation was 4.5 per cent. In Maine it was 5.3 per cent. In a breakdown of counties, Knox County showed that 750 persons from a work force of 11,490 were out of work, for a 6.5 unemployment rate.
At Waldo County the unemployment rate was reported at 8.5 per cent, where 650 persons from a work force of 7,610 were out of work.
The average weekly earnings of production workers in the state were reported at $136.68 for an average work week of 40.8 hours. This compared with $135.53 for the previous month, and $126.77 as the average wage a year ago.
ERA Vote
The Equal Rights amendment was passed by the House and Senate of the special session of the legislature last week. We thought you might be interested in how the legislative delegations from Knox and Waldo counties voted on the issue.
With the exception of Rep. David Emery of Rodkland, all legislators from the two counties voted against the amendment. These included state (not sure if he was a Rep. or a Senator, type missing) Paul R. Huber of Rockland, and Edwin H. (don’t have last name) Gr…of Morrill.
Representatives voting “no” were…McCormick of Union. Edwin Maddox, V. Albert Hoffses, Camden, Donald Webber, Belfast,…Shute, Stockton Springs, Myron E. Wood, B. Lee E. Evans, Freedom.
Emery did not change his vote, as he also voted on the ERA last year when it was defeated by a six to……in the State Senate.
(Sorry some of this information is missing, but I think you can get the gist of it.)


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