Monday, February 11, 2013

Candy Hearts on St. Valentine’s Day
(Much of the information below comes from the Better Homes & Garden web site.)
Remember candy hearts you used to get on Valentine’s Day? Well we still have them today. In grade school ours said things like: Be Mine, Be My Valentine, and I Love You. The most popular new sayings for conversation candy hearts are "Tweet Me," "Text Me," "You Rock," "Love Bug," "Soul Mate," and "Me + You."
The history of these little candies below comes from Also see how to make a candy heart picture frame. You can find more craft ideas and how to make home-made Valentine’s Day cards at the same website. Activities for kids can be found at:
The Story Behind Conversation Candy Hearts
Candy hearts got their start around the time of the Civil War. The original candies, called cockles, were made from sugar and flour and contained mottoes or sayings, which were printed on thin paper and rolled up inside the folded, shell-shape candy.
Daniel Chase, the brother of the New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) founder, began printing sayings on NECCO candy in the 1860s. The candy became popular at weddings, where sayings such as "Married in satin, love will not be lasting" and "Married in white, you have chosen right" foretold humorous prophecies of the new marriage.
The conversation candy hearts that we know today date back to 1902, when the company printed sayings on candy shapes including postcards, baseballs, horseshoes, and watches. The sayings are updated every year and the hearts have been used in creative crafts, cake decorations, cute Valentine's Day gifts, and -- sweetest of all -- marriage proposals.
Valentine's Day Gift with Candy Hearts

Measure a cardboard circle to fit on top of a picture frame. Glue the candy hearts on the cardboard head-to-head, adding another layer on top. To finish the easy gift, glue the cardboard with the candy hearts onto the frame. You can alternate colors on a single frame, or adhere the hearts with the sayings facing up for a more creative and personalized approach.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Happy Birthday to Sister Sara on February 15!

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